Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • zaywolfe

    Honestly, I think the biggest problem will be the downvoting. The downvote here means something completely different from the upvote. You upvote something when you like it, but you downvote something to report it. I don't blame new users at all if they don't understand it from the start.

    If this place continues to grow at this rate, the number of people who don't understand what downvoting means will outnumber us in the community who use it appropriately. I really believe the downvote should be replaced with something else, and not doing so will leave us open to be overrun by users legitimately confused about it.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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    • Gozzin

      . I really believe the downvote should be replaced with something else, and not doing so will leave us open to be overrun by users legitimately confused about it.

      I agree. Perhaps you might want to start a conversation under Ideas for Snapzu.