  • AdelleChattre

    Hi there! Be sure to read the Snapzu Prologue, especially around rules one and two. Snaps about your 'affiliate marketing in the MLM niche' might very easily be taken for spam. That has to do with Rule No. 1. Plus, there's an expectation at Snapzu that no more than ten percent of your activity ought to be around promoting you and your work elsewhere, and that's spelled out at Rule No. 2. Also, there's technically a rule against promoting your tribe at /t/Lounge. That's a better fit for a post at /t/newtribes. If you haven't done it already, visit /t/Lounge and check out the stickied posts there! Welcome! If there's anything we can help with, be sure to say hey.

    • BruceDeluxe

      Thanks, AdelleChattre. I've already read a lot of the rules, guidelines and tips. And I'm good, I ain't no spammer. I actually don't have much content on my blog as I shoot for quality, and if I ever do decide to share one of my posts it will only be submitted in my tribe. Though I'm not sure what I'll be in for when I promote my tribe and bring in new members. Hopefully I won't end up having to deal with people blatantly pitching their deals in there. We'll see how it goes.