  • ttubravesrock

    -- Comment on posts by others

    -- Respond to comments others have made

    These are probably the biggest ways to get more commenting activity. Some people (/u/adellechattre) mostly share content. Others (myself) almost exclusively comment on others' shared content. A few (/u/drunkenninja and /u/gladsdotter off the top of my head) do quite a bit of both.

    • AdelleChattre

      An observation no less relevant just because it's at variance with the truth. Like the man says, "It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."

      • ttubravesrock

        I'm not saying you don't comment. If you look at your profile, you have (at this moment) 113 comments vs. 5478 snaps.

        I have 825 comments vs. 19 snaps. That shows that I almost exclusively comment.

        I'm not sure how accurate the total numbers are, especially since your profile says you have 6512 posts and that's not the sum of 113 and 5478. For all I know, you have 5478 snaps and 1034 comments, but that's still 'mostly' sharing content.

        I'm not interested in arguing though. Like you said, whether I was right or wrong about the usernames I listed, the point is still valid.