  • picklefingers

    Ctrl+f "API". Nope? Ok, I'll talk about it.

    Snapzu needs to go mobile. This is going to sound like some business man at a tech conference but mobile is the future of social media. I don't think that it is the future of all web-based technology, but I think recent times have shown how important a web platform is. And I'm not talking about mobile sites, though that is good as well. I am talking about full-fledged community-created and driven apps.

    Let's look at the current state of social media. First, we have multiple networks that are COMPLETELY app based. One might think that not having a website would hurt your social media platform, but the android and ios markets are so ridiculously large that its easy. Instagram, snapchat, vine. All thriving. In fact, I can't remember the last time I heard somebody say that they were going to post something to Facebook. They talk about posting their pictures to "insta" or videos to their snapchat stories. Phones have the monopoly on how socially minded people communicate.

    Now let's look at the bigger sites. Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. Reddit. All sites that people spend most of the time browsing on their apps. The only times I'll use the web versions personally are when I happen to be linked to the site from something else. The exception is Reddit, where about 1/3 of my time is spent on the web because a lot of the content I use there (programming subs, videos) just aren't always possible to enjoy on the phone.

    And compare Reddit and Snapzu, Snapzu even has more potential as an app. Personally, I think that the site would work better, from an organization standpoint. Image hosting is simpler, tribes and snaps make it easier to jump around the site to your interests (rather than having to travel to subreddits), and the feed makes it easier to relax and enjoy a stream of content. Even the snap posting system, which is more complex than Reddit's system, doesn't include anything that wouldn't easily translate to an mobile app UI.

    I agree with drunkenninja with his post. We need to attract the right people to the site, and I think the technologies that are being talked about would be helpful. However, I think a public API should be a high priority if we want these right kinds of people. It would open ourselves up to a market of mobile users as well as technologically minded people who would want to use the API to create.

    • drunkenninja

      Thank you for this. I would just like to make it clear that the items within the short list I posted are the things we are working on in order for us to effectively market this platform and grow this community. In no way did we give up on the dream of releasing a proper API for developers to expand our platform into a true mobile experience, we just don't have the resources to do everything at once. If you have any ideas on a better approach, feel free to PM me, I'm all ears.