
Inspired by the guys on Voat, I have created a new tribe: Meanwhile on Reddit

Link: /t/meanwhileonreddit

Reddit does produce a lot of interesting content, and some of us might be missing that.

I feel like as we are just growing, it is inevitable that there will be interesting things posted by the huge number of Redditors that are worth mentioning here.

Let me know how you feel about it!

Update: As mentioned in the comments, it's gonna highlight important discussions taking place on Reddit, not the drama (my fault for being stupid enough to misunderstand what the Voat subverse was about)

8 years ago by bogdan with 8 comments

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  • bradd

    I don't know, I think I'd rather not even get involved in reddit's drama. But that's just me.

    • bogdan

      You're right. I have just checked the voat subreddit or what it is called and I see it is made up mostly of posts regarding the Reddit drama.

      What I wanted is a place where we can post interesting discussions that go on over there, so that they can be further debated here.

      • MyUserName

        Similar to the depthhub and/or bestof subreddits?

  • spaceghoti

    I'm still active on reddit, and frankly the drama bores me. Ellen Pao and the banning of /r/hatefatpeople will not be the death of reddit, it just cleared out some of the debris from the userbase. Voat is welcome to them.

    • VerteDinde (edited 8 years ago)

      I agree - I wasn't too sad to see that particular contingent get lost. If anything, hopefully it will improve Reddit, but we'll see I guess.

      OP, I do think it's a nice idea to have while Snapzu is still building a content base. Thanks for putting that together.

  • sugartoad

    I specifically started seeking out a new home to get away from the reddit drama. I'm not so sure that this is something I want to see in my feed in the morning. I guess time will tell, maybe I'll warm up to the idea one day.

  • Lagz

    I think it is a good idea and I understand where you were coming from in creating the tribe.