  • racerxonclar

    Thank you, and I know what you mean. It's just been an unsettling rollercoaster that feels like it stopped at a loss-loss situation. Hopefully Snapzu sees growth and perhaps game developers and large companies will start poking around this site as well.

    • Qukatt

      yeh, I didn't even live on any defaults (and when twox became default there was a huge exodus) so I cant say any of the drama and changes really reached my part of reddit. I made the move cause honestly just got to the point where I was more wary of mentioning I used reddit and that's not right for me to be embarrassed to say I use a site I enjoy using because manchildren are giving it an outrageous reputation.

      so here's to snapzu! may the manbabies never come here in large numbers.

      I like the options in snapzu for company/business focused tribes. it makes much more sense to me as a community manager to have the tools like setting your tribe as mod posts only (but users can vote and comment) it's so much handier.