
Snapzu history?

I apologize if I'm missing it somewhere, but I'm really interested in the origin of Snapzu. When was it started? By whom? Who built this wonderful software? I can't seem to find mention of these types of answers anywhere.

9 years ago by blitzen with 8 comments

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  • Cheesemangeur (edited 9 years ago)

    I would love to know as well, I know that it has been here for several years, but that's about it. Paging /u/drunkennninja !

    • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

      We started with a core team of 3 in 2011 with an idea to create a social content aggregator that would focus more on personal profiles as we felt that would increase the quality of interaction amongst our growing community of members. Our team grew by 3 more over the past couple of years as we worked towards an appropriate direction (we are all very close). We are located in Vancouver, Canada and across a number of towns in Poland, and we use collaboration tools to organize each other and sometimes meet up to get together and come up with ideas (although we don't do it too often as international travel is expensive!). All of us have full time jobs and currently work on Snapzu part time due to current financial constraints, however would love to some day be able to just focus on Snapzu fulltime! We are all very excited that Snapzu is growing and are always checking to see who the new faces are! If you like what we are doing please get in touch, we love feedback, suggestions and feature requests! We can be reached at /u/teamsnapzu or contactus@snapzu.com. Maybe one day we will create an about us page, but for the sake of our belief in responsible anonymity we felt our personal profiles don't matter as much as what we create, maybe we are wrong in that regards.

      • spaceghoti

        We are located in Vancouver, Canada

        Whoa. My fiancee and I are talking about visiting Vancouver Island to see if Victoria would be a good place to move. We're opposites in terms of temperature preferences and southwest BC seems to be a good compromise (as well as Canada being a better place to live than the US these days). What's your opinion on an IT grunt moving to that area?

        • drunkenninja

          The weather is quite good, it never really gets too cold, the snow lasts for about a day or two most of the time. We get a heck of a lot of rain during the off months, so you better like rain (about the same as Seattle). Living costs are one of the highest in North America, so you need to get used to high rent, expensive housing, food and booze. The IT network here is actually quite good, lots of people in the industry that you can connect with. We have virtually no natural disasters, except for the "big" earthquake that's due to come sometime in the next couple hundred years. Overall its clean, the air is awesome and there is LOTs to do so... yeah generally a great place overall to setup shop.

          • spaceghoti

            Bearing in mind we're not talking about moving to Vancouver but Victoria, possibly one of its suburbs. If I can find a job in Vancouver there's always the ferry. I understand that Victoria is comparable to Denver in terms of cost of living.

    • sushmonster

      I found this archive from elsewhere on Snapzu: http://web.archive.org/web/20110202233553/http://snapzu.com/ But I am also curious to know more about the history!!

      • sea

        Great find! Looks so different, wow