

OK, I admit it, I'm also a refugee. I really like being able to help out and/or commiserate with fellow fish/aquatic plant keepers, moms who have more in common with The Bloggess than Martha Stewart, and gather knowledge about history and science stuff. I share when I can, but I'm an expert in something that is useless to most people (research contracts).

I'm considering setting up a tribe for parents who are having bad days. I can't tell you how useful it has been to have a place where the pictures are not pretty, the grandmas are not nice, the spouse is not Channing Tatum, and the children are not angels (for whatever reason). I got some of the best advice on my worst days from that clan. I'd be happy to help bring a good version of it to life here, if others are interested.

8 years ago by phiguru with 7 comments

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  • Arbituz

    Great introduction! That sounds like a good idea for a tribe. I don't have any kids myself, but I can see how parents would need a place to unwind or vent. Welcome to Snapzu!

  • drunkenninja

    Welcome to Snapzu! You will notice a truly fantastic community here, so may all your plans come to a quick realization. Great intro by the way!

  • caelreth

    Welcome! I'd join that tribe! :)

  • dgam

    Sounds like a good idea for a tribe.

  • aj0690

    Welcome, its great to have ya!