
Good Vibes: First Impressions of Snapzu

I've just arrived from reddit (from the Snapzu invite thread, in fact) and I'm really enjoying it here. I do wonder what will happen as the community expands and diversifies — will using invites to stagger growth and an XP/reputation system to incentivize good behavior be enough to prevent this place from becoming a mess like reddit? Probably not, but I don't think it will be nearly as bad.

Much can be learned from successful communities around the web (successful in that they're orderly and productive). What makes them work? I thought perhaps a smaller, more personal user base could mean something, and I certainly think it helps, but there should also be growth. Also important is the subject matter and the type of people it attracts, but there are vile communities built around good things and fantastic ones built around bad things (though that's subjective). So what makes the difference?

One thing the good communities have in common is solid leadership. There are clear, meaningful rules, and administrators/moderators enforce them dutifully. In addition, much depends on the users following through and embodying the type of culture they want to be a part of. I think that's incredibly effective, as most people will act how everyone else is acting. Fostering the right mindset from the get-go is much easier than trying to fix things later.

reddit has many problems, and I'm sure this place will reveal its own in time, but I think the completely anonymous nature of reddit is one of its downfalls. Just imagine how things would be if everyone were anonymous in real life. Already, I feel the need to act responsibly here while also feeling safe behind my anonymous username. I think it's a good system.

Obviously, people are people and human nature will have its way. There will always be people who aren't nice, or have differing opinions, not to mention spammers and trolls. I think that's unavoidable, but I'm hopeful that Snapzu will not deteriorate into a cesspit.

These are just some thoughts. Let me know what you guys think makes a good community and why you like Snapzu!

P.S. I tried out a few different alternatives: Voat is a bit of an eyesore and annoying to navigate, Hubski is actually pretty nice but a little too free-form for me, and the others were just not very usable. I haven't seen any mention of MetaFilter, however, which is a nice place.

8 years ago by Moderator with 14 comments

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  • Kysol

    Nice name... INB4 forced name change :D

    • Moderator

      Thanks, I like your name as well!

      I didn't think of that. Hopefully they will let me keep it. Lol.

      • Kysol

        One of the things I used to do back in the day when writing forum software from scratch was to blacklist certain names from being used. I learnt my lesson using Arial instead of Verdana as well with capital i looking like lowercase L. If the do ask for "TheModerator" or something like that. It's an amusing oversight that I hope they let slide.

        • Moderator

          Indeed. I received a friendly message letting me know I can keep my name, so hurrah for Snapzu :)

          • kigurame

            Hah! that's awesome !

          • Kysol


          • Winter

            I was pleasantly surprised that my name wasn't taken! This is my alias on steam, so I'm glad I can use it here too!

  • Borska

    Interesting choice of username hehe

  • bogdan

    I'm totally down to help make this place a new community. I completely dislike the idea that there is no worthy alternative to Reddit. This needs to end

    • drunkenninja

      You hit the nail on the head, it really boils down to building up the community.

  • drunkenninja

    Welcome dude! Really great to have you and happy you are enjoying this place so far! If you should ever have any questions feel free to PM me, I'll be happy to assist in any way I can!

    • Moderator (edited 8 years ago)

      Thanks! When I initially pressed the 'Post' button it didn't react and I pressed it again. This seems to have led to a double post. Sorry about that.

  • Kysol

    Looks like there might be an issue with snapping as you and the member before just double snappe, also Welcome :D