Text Post: New member saying hi! posted by ohtwenty
  • ohtwenty

    Heya! I read about it a few years ago, when I was dissatisfied with other options, mostly due to reasons mentioned in the OP. Got dissatisfied recently again, just seeing how much crud there is on the internet, so I figured I'd have a look at this alternative again, and I'm happy so far. I like the content, and the discourse is pleasant (yet sparse)

    My earliest childhood trauma? I think falling out of a car at low speed because I didn't close the door properly and leaned against it. Nothing happened but it was a sudden realisation that you can be face-down on asphalt if you don't think things through. Yours?

    btw if you donate blood/plasma they will test you for your blood type each time (at least here in the Netherlands) so you can find out without too much effort!

    • AdelleChattre

      Have you any particular interests? Because if it's popping, there's more than you might've thought in /t/popping.

      Thanks for sharing your early childhood trauma. If it's not prying, how old were you? Me, I have some hazy recollection of my parents having terrible arguments. The first thing I can really recall is deciding, during one particular 'sode, that the really hilarious, laugh-out-loud good times we'd had lately was when we'd "gone streaking." Streaking was a thing back then. Wasn't very complicated in practice. One would get naked and go running around in public. Laughter was in the cards. Come to think of it, this was in an era of dubious wisdom. To say nothing of scarce prudence. I believe, and this memory is all in wavy-lines-of-early-memory special effects, I chose to streak past the arguing parents, do a lap around the complex, and come back to what I expected would be a much-lightened mood in the apartment. I don't think that was the result, but it did help pass the time until the divorce soon to come.

      So, uh, what's your blood type, then? I'd like to know before deciding whether we can ever be friends.

      • ohtwenty

        Ah, streaking. I miss being able to do it, unless you count walking around naked in my own house as streaking, but then there's no challenge so it just becomes walking around. Sorry to hear about the divorce by the way, especially at a young age..

        I don't actually remember how old I was, which I think is the weirdest part! I guess that's the odd thing about memories - they're just an image of what happened, not necessarily a depiction of the truth or anything. tbh the more I think about it the less sure I am about the details, but I do know the main parts of the plot, so to say. Which makes me wonder if my brain just decided at one point that the imagery I've associated with it now is how I will forever remember it, regardless of if it's true.

        I'm O+ by the way, which means I can give blood to anyone who's also positive.

        • AdelleChattre

          Maybe it's the early childhood trauma you can't remember that counts, it just doesn't come to mind. Then again, maybe before that, there isn't much mind for it to come to. So, I notice that you label your MarkDown links. How admirable! I think we're going to be able to do business. Guess I'll have to donate some blood and find out my type before we can be sure.

          • ohtwenty

            Ah, I tried in any case, but I'm still getting used to editing and publishing properly. I saw that it's possible and I think it's a neat feature, that can definitely add something, so could be worth getting used to using.

            I've been reading up/studying some features of early life trauma, and it's mind-blowing that it can have huuuge effects on how you act for the rest of your life, but before you're even able to make memories or maybe even consciously realise what's going on. It can still mess with (positive and negative!) how your brain works, but you don't have to realise what's happening for it to still happen.