
Hello to my (hopefully) new home on the internet!

Hi everyone. I am a reddit refugee, as many of you may be. I looked at many of the various alternatives and even signed up for a few of them, but Snapzu is the one that really held my interest. Luckily I received an invite code today, and so here I am! I'm looking forward to exploring all that this site has to offer and I'm excited about making a fresh start on a much prettier website.

Have a great day!

8 years ago by TrollingThunder with 8 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Welcome to one of the best and friendliest communities around! We are happy to have you!
    A few quick tips! Check out the tribe index for a list of our more popular communities, we also have a tribe for all the new tribes sprouting up /t/newtribes. I'm sure others will pop in here soon to greet you as well!

  • jcscher

    if you have questions about the site just ask. There are plenty of people who will help you!

  • FishKnight

    Welcome to the site! It really is a beautiful place.

  • Targetq2

    First day refugee myself. It's an interesting site for sure, but it's a strange transition. I have been playing around here most the day trying to figure out how I can best use the site (and how I can be the best use for the site). Seems nice so far :x

  • Holymanta

    Id linl you lemonparty but we dont that stuff atound here

    Check it out /t/newtribes for something pertaining to your interests

  • Spoon

    Welcome friend! Hope you have a good time here!

  • callmefish


    Reddit expat here, as well with a similar story: I checked out a few alternatives; (hubski.com is okay, but for some reason, it just doesn't hold my interest/attention span, like snapzu seems to have been able to do thus far.

    I found myself spending time here that I used to spend at reddit.

    I even jumped in to the fray and started a tribe (/t/gorving) that I enjoyed as a /r/, but didn't find the same niche here.

    I'm enjoying my stay, will likely hang my coat on the wall at some point.