Text Post: 2015.06.14 Morning Coffee posted by Moderator
  • picklefingers

    West coast night owls and east coast early birds all in one place.

    • junglman

      Haha exactly.

    • Cheesemangeur

      And then there's the European morning peeps ;)

      • junglman

        Those guys are having lunch by now.

        • Cheesemangeur

          Not yet in the UK! I still have 1 hour before it's lunch time.

          • Appaloosa

            Asia eating dinner

          • picklefingers
            @Appaloosa -

            Now people in India are falling asleep and I just woke up.

          • greengabe
            @picklefingers -

            I just woke up too and it's past noon. Hangover lazy Sunday is in full effect.

          • drunkenninja
            @greengabe -

            I have the same exact thing going on right now!

          • Appaloosa
            @greengabe -

            That's what Sunday's are for!

          • Moderator
            @Appaloosa -

            So THAT'S what Sundays are for. You're blowing my mind.

          • Appaloosa
            @Moderator -

            Well it IS a day of rest!