Text Post: [IDEA] Reddit Refugees thread posted by folkrav
  • GARlactic

    I love the idea that downvotes should only be used sparingly and not to disagree with a comment, but Reddit had the same rule, and as it grew in popularity, that rule fell to the wayside. Comments that contributed to the discussion but were controversial were buried unset downvote brigades and nothing could be done about it. I unfortunately can see that happening here as well.

    Regardless, Reddit has been going downhill for a while now, and I look forward to familiarizing myself with this website. I hope everyone is as nice as they say they are!

    • folkrav

      Unfortunately, every other website out there ultimately meets this fate. Who would have thought MySpace would go downhill? Eventually, people will stride off Facebook. It can take a while, but it will happen, someday. They'll make a huge mistake, people will hate it, they will find something else. We're in the social media era, eventually, they'll find a bit different formula that people will prefer at that time.

    • SnapPee

      I pulled up Pao's account to watch for any additional comments and it's kind of funny seeing how obliterated her karma is.


      • picklefingers

        I've been occasionaly checking her and knOthing's accounts ever since the FPH drama. It's just sort of interesting to watch. I think kn0thing had positive karma for one post, but besides that, everything they post is hated by the community.

      • DominantMan

        Wow.. Didn't actually know that she (or he?) is active over there. Thank you for sharing.

      • Slambardo

        This had me spew my beer all over my phone. Is it bad that I take so much joy in her horrible karma? I'm loving it.

    • Kysol

      i didn't think the site would stick with me as much as it has. I hardly find myself typing in "re{tab}" into a browser these days like I would do by habit when ever I opened a tab.

      • thatquail

        haha I'm definitely still at that stage, looking forward to getting rid of the "reddit reflex" once and for all

        • leagueofbacon

          "Well, I hit the end of reddit. <new tab>. I wonder whats on reddit?"