Text Post: [IDEA] Reddit Refugees thread posted by folkrav
  • defttt

    For me, the switch to snapzu was obvious. A few years ago, I used to frequent tumblr, and I still would frequent it had it not been run over by all these crazy people that gave it a bad rep. Since tumblr wasn't a viable option as a site for me to frequent anymore, I thought I might try Reddit, seeing as it was popular among my friends. Reddit, with all its recent drama and such, was just too much for me to handle. Reddit, for me, was really counterintuitive and took a long time to learn to use. Maybe it was the layout, maybe it was the community, bottom line is I just was never too interested in it. Snapzu, being just "reddit-like" is perfect. It takes all of the good community building elements of Reddit and puts it in a user interface that actually looks like it was designed in the 21st century. It's clean, fast, and unlike Reddit, intuitive. I like snapzu a lot, and I hope to stay here for quite a while.