  • LacquerCritic (edited 9 years ago)

    Thank you for this. Other than downvoting and selecting "spam", is there a preferred way to flag you (or anyone you designate as an admin) to manually review a post or user?

    Also, does the 10% rule apply to OC that is hosted only on Snapzu? This is content that doesn't link elsewhere but instead makes use of the modules available for a snap. For instance, if someone here were into crafts and posted only guides to making stuff with the pictures, text, etc. all using modules, would this be spam?

    • drunkenninja

      Generally the down votes are the only way to flag content at this point. We may in the future add a distinct flag option that can be directed at an admin that oversees the community as a whole. Hosting self serving content on Snapzu is the same as linking to it, so yes the 10% rule will also apply. As for creating content about the things that interest you, it doesn't break the 10% rule unless the content posted is obviously created for the purpose of marketing. The main goal is not to let marketers/seo specialists/marketers over run Snapzu with spam and self serving content. We have seen websites like go down hill and fall apart within months into a spam fest due to rules like these not being enforced.