Text Post: Hello Snapzu posted by factoverfallacy
  • factoverfallacy (edited 8 years ago)

    What I was trying to say was I would like to post well over 10% with my content. From my understanding, the TOS states "If over 10% AND you do not participate". Since "and" means in addition, I could post over 10% as long as I am active in my post.

    Since I write using the research format and I will participate heavily answering questions, having discussions and supporting my argument, that usually takes up a lot of my time.

    As you can see here, I respond to every comment, I will not be selling anything and all of my work is cited. I would think that would be acceptable as spam is usually commercial, irrelevant and inappropriate.

    Reddit ( not very intellectual, hoping here is better): has the same rule but no issues since I comment and also use text posts.

    Newsvine (a lot of bias): Self promotion is acceptable as long as it is text post and not links.

    Hubski (mostly dead): self-promotion is fine as long as it is not spammy in nature.

    I like to ensure I respect the rules, and very transparent (my name matches my site)and am welcome. That is why I am asking first =)

    Honestly, I wish I knew of all these sites before I bought a 3-year web host. However, since I am frugal, I will continue to post there too.

    • drunkenninja

      Ahoy there, and welcome! I think as long as you're super cool with engagement and also take a moment to post other interesting stuff (generally stuff that interests you!) along with yours, people wont have a problem with it. As for posting comments, you don't need to post comments outside of your own posts if you don't want to, the fact that you're taking the time to interact is all that's needed to make you not look like one of those drive by self promoters.

      • factoverfallacy (edited 8 years ago)

        Wow, that was a fast reply. FYI, I edit my posts a lot after replying!!! Bad habit I know.

        Great, I am very technical with rules, so I like to make sure the spirit of the law aligns with the letter =)

        Interesting stuff??? Ummm. If you love facts, debate, and educated opinions you will love me. Most don't find that interesting =)

        Most of my articles have at least 10 citations and comments another 15 but all I get is ad hominems. However, I clearly point out that you are calling the expert (citation) wrong not I with no actual proof.

        I am very active.

        Reddit ( not very intellectual, hoping here is better). I reply probably 40 comments a thread because "WOW at the responses" has the same rule but no issues since I comment and also use text posts.

        Newsvine (a lot of bias): Same amount of replies. Self-promotion is acceptable as long as it is text post and not links.

        Hubski (mostly dead): self-promotion is fine as long as it is not spammy in nature.

        Snapzu (pending): I really want someone to even just try to prove me wrong just once. If I get just one person to think, my day is made. Hopefully, that is here!!!

        So if I can link instead of having to reformat, you might have made my day. I didn't realize all these places existed before I bought a 3-year web host. I am frugal, so I will continue to use said web host even if nobody views it.