
How can I see which one of my comments was downvoted?

I'm hoping one of the most experienced Snapzites would know this. I was looking at my daily update this morning (I love seeing the number of upvotes for comments and snaps from the previous day) and noticed one comment was downvoted.

However there is no link to find out which comment, and I have tried to look at my recent comments but could only see the total voting score. It would be great to know which comment was downvoted so I can see if I can improve how I comment, or if it was just someone disagreeing with me. I'm not interested in knowing who is doing the downvoting.

Is this a function that exists on Snapzu? If not, do you think it should exists?

8 years ago by Cheesemangeur with 6 comments

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  • bogdan

    Where do I find my daily update?

    • Cheesemangeur (edited 8 years ago)

      If you click on the top right banner on your picture, then click on the "total XP" in grey, you will be directed to a page with how much xp you have gained and for which activities. If you click on "reputation score" you can see the daily update (it directs you to the same page, just a different tab). It usually updates at 7am UK for me.

      The page I get directed to is like this: http://snapzu.com/Cheesemangeur/history/reputation (change the username with yours)

  • spaceghoti

    To the best of my knowledge after picking the brains of the community and admins, reasons for downvotes are currently only available for snaps and not comments. And as we've observed, while the downvote isn't supposed to be used as shorthand for "I disagree" that's how it gets used anyway. I've seen more than a few downvotes thrown my way without any comment.