  • Tadaima

    I mostly only posted in tipofmytongue and animesuggest. On all the defaults you had this constant parade of self congratulatory memes and in-jokes and bs and it wasn't my thing.

    So I don't really care about reddit drama, I was mostly a lurker. But the atmosphere there was that if you saw a topic and it was over 4 hours old and already had over 100 replies you felt like you had missed the bus. It was really kind of absurd. At that point you're not even talking with other people, you get in this mind set of impressing people and trying to reap karma. I don't even care about karma. But it still happened.

    Anyways, even if reddit fixes its problems and wins back the mods and core users I still don't have much of a reason to go back. I like it here much more.