  • egrodo

    I'm also from Reddit, and while I didn't visit or like any of the hate subs, I kinda feel like, as long as there is no witch hunting, they should be allowed. As long as they stay in their own little communities and don't bother the rest of us, I don't see why their speech should be limited. I understand taking the stance that Snapzu has though.

    • bogdan

      Snapzu hasn't banned any of the hate subs, they just didn't spawn. We've been fairly civil with any issue that has been encountered so far, and it has worked great.

      • TerrorBite

        That's great to hear. One of the things that worries me about Voat (which I admit I haven't joined or really looked at much) is that they were the destination for the FPH exodus, which logically tells me that many of their users were members of those communities. And I'm not sure that's a site that I want to be a part of.

        • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

          It's actually quite interesting, because I never visited any of the hate subs, but I was appalled at how the situation was handled, and it was a sign that things won't be going very well out there.

          I had visited Reddit constantly for 5 years before this, and the early admins were always ready to make a topic and talk to the community before taking action. I remember how long it was discussed before "Reddit gold" was implemented. The admins literally sat down with the users and had a conversation about how they should monetize from the site.

          Now when subreddits are getting banned out of nowhere, people are getting fired without having the community at least made aware of it, I feel like there is a big crevasse between the management and the average man, and that creates frustration, when really the average man is doing a lot of the heavy work for free.

      • Camel

        So if they do end up spawning, what is the policy? I noticed in the prologue message it says no racism/hate speech.

        • [Deleted Profile]

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