  • Cheesemangeur (edited 8 years ago)

    Oh, and new users, feel free to create a tribe (subreddit) for something that you enjoy, and you can post about it (once you have set up your rules and have got an icon etc) on /t/newtribes and /t/lounge .

    • GoyzIIMensch

      For some reason I can't create a tribe. When I go to where the instructions say to go the option to create a tribe isn't there.

      • Cheesemangeur

        If you click on your tribe membership, you'll see a page with all the tribe you're a member of. On the right should be a sidebar, if you don't see the sidebar try with a different browser as normally you should always see a sidebar on the right with lots of information.

        • GoyzIIMensch

          I'll try that, thanks! I'm on mobile so that probably is the problem.