  • Crator (edited 8 years ago)

    I really love the daily coffee posts as I'm sure you can tell from my involvement. It's great way to catch up with everyone in this small community on a more personal level. As it gets bigger, it will get flooded and probably won't be as useful. But for right now keep it up. For content I like how it gives a bit of news about the site and directly asks all the users about any changes that may need to be done. Adding a daily topic of discussion is nice to.

    As for the one jerk who came around I actually didn't enter that topic so I had no idea.

    Yesterday was easy because he was one and we are many, but what will happen as the gap lessens?

    As the gap lessens the site slowly slides downhill as sad as that is to say. It happens to every site that gets popular. The only way to stop it is to make a site private. But I doubt many of us wanna go there. This site is still young of course, who knows if it will get huge. I mean 12 upvotes still gets you to the top.

    What if members are not breaking any rules but trying their best to be assholes? Would it be so easy to deal with not only disagreement (which is fine and even necessary) but widespread negativity and rudeness? It's an unavoidable part of real life, but is it something we need to come to terms with in this online community?

    If they are not breaking any rules then you can't ban them right? And if a rule was made that you can't be an asshole; what exactly constitutes being an asshole? That's a really grey area. Is it just someone who is angry? Is it someone who spreads certain opinions? Talks a certain way? The answer is far to difficult to come to and is rather subjective. I don't see a way to easily enforce it in a moral way. It's case by case at best.