  • Kysol

    For me, the Ellen Pao thing wasn't the reason I looked elsewhere, Reddit was getting really stale of recent, so when the FPH ban happened, I saw that this community was slowly growing I decided to jump over. After a week, lets just say that Snapzu occupies a far greater chunk of my browser history than Reddit does.

    My browsing habbits have changed as well, before I was force fed articles hardly ever looking past the front page of Reddit or certain subreddits. Since there's achievements such as Rapid Response, there's a need to hunt down articles via your feeds that are under 30 minutes old. It's frustrating sometimes when articles are slow to pop, but this was a unique action added to my general browsing routine. Never before have I felt a desire to hunt down new articles, I was just happy to have them stuffed down my throat.

    Being the Achievement Farmer (360 GamerScore) that I am, I see the achievements list as a kill list. This is my poison. It's such a simple technique to help encourage users to do more and it's working on me. Here is a thing that I added to a forum that I ran a long time ago. Secret titles. On most forums you have the ability to add a title under your name (if the forum allows), I gave my users the ability to do so at 100 posts. What I did extra was had a list of special numbers that if ever a users post count landed on that number the title was temporarily changed. Certain ones like "42 = The Answer", "123 = Easy as ABC", "314, 3141, 31415 ... = I Like Pi" and so on. The amusing thing was that spammers never caught the titles, but regular users would actually find fun in stumbling over a new title. Sounds stupid, as it was, but it added an extra bit of fun through achieving something new.

    That's another thing that I'm liking about Snapzu at the moment, it feels more like a forum than a fast paced Reddit clone. People are nice, smart, have opinions and are willing to listen and have a civil debate if their opinions differ... unlike Reddit ...

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    • drunkenninja

      Secret titles. On most forums you have the ability to add a title under your name (if the forum allows), I gave my users the ability to do so at 100 posts. What I did extra was had a list of special numbers that if ever a users post count landed on that number the title was temporarily changed. Certain ones like "42 = The Answer", "123 = Easy as ABC", "314, 3141, 31415 ... = I Like Pi" and so on. The amusing thing was that spammers never caught the titles, but regular users would actually find fun in stumbling over a new title. Sounds stupid, as it was, but it added an extra bit of fun through achieving something new.

      Sounds like a really cool easter egg concept!

      • Kysol

        It was a fun thing at the time. The way general users are these days (with fast content consumption and aggregation) it would be lost on most. Its still fun to plant easter eggs around the place and let people "stumble" upon them.