  • Xeno (edited 8 years ago)

    Downvoting is constantly misunderstood on this site and it's hard to blame anyone. The downvoting button... looks like a downvoting button. This means for those who have not read extensively about Snapzu's downvote function it is an "I disagree" button. But, according to all official sources the downvote button is not a disagree button. I think there are valid reasons to not push down content and comments for simple disagreement and I imagine some of the users you were referring to are aware of these reasons and that's why they are outspoken.

    As I've advocated for previously, I think the solution is to change the image that represents the downvote button so it is understood for the intended flag-like purpose.

    Also not that I'm saying reputation is particularly important to me, but just because you don't care doesn't mean it's immature. If anything I find this post to be callous and unaccepting of what the potential consequences a pure disagreement button has and why various users have chosen to be outspoken about it. I can definitely understand your side of the argument, but this post comes off as unproductive and more from a point of attack.

    Edit: for typos

    • ofest

      I think the solution is to change the image that represents the downvote button so it is understood for the intended flag-like purpose.

      What would it take to make this happen? (a question for anyone who knows)

      • Xeno

        It shouldn't be difficult... the reputation algorithm will all be the same, the only thing that would change is whatever image is used for the downvote indicators.

        • ofest


          Who needs to be convinced to make this happen?

          • Xeno

            I posted something similar to this in an appropriate thread, it was top comment, so they've seen it. It depends if they think it's a feasible/good idea or not.