  • Kysol

    Gender, Race, Religion. These things should be left at the door when you go online.

    We are all "users" in all sense of the word.

    Welcome new Snapite.

    • aoirghe

      I don't see how it's possible to leave gender or race behind. Religion maybe, but if we choose to ignore gender and race, we tend to assume everyone is white and male, and that's not good. My gender does impact my life experiences, so I'd rather just have it be respected than have to hide it.

      • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

        Sad part is mate even if we were all the same we'd still find silly things to differentiate ourselves. I can't believe I'm quoting a cartoon but even if we were grey blobs someone would always claim to be" the greyest and the blobiest"

      • Kysol

        It's impossible to remove one from the others. I'm not saying to hide yourself, but rather to not divulge information that doesn't need to be made public. For example, someone with a vocal distortion device speaks up over the radio broadcast, inserting Gender, Race or Religion into the blank.

        I'm _____, and I don't care what you say, but...

        Before the speaker made the statement, nobody knew anything about the speaker. They might have seen the speaker's actions while helping the homeless in the street near the radio station last week, but there is nothing to connect the two. But now even if they were to come out and say "I help homeless people, would you donate to our drive?", they have fragmented the audience. Why? They have branded themselves, and the sad truth is that no matter where you go, there will always be people who dislike a Gender, Race or Religion.

        Sometimes it's just better to leave some things secret until it's 110% necessary to disclose that information. I could be a Hispanic Male Buddhist, I could also be a Cat that has learned how to control my owner to type for me. It shouldn't matter who I am but how I treat others.

        To carry the self forward and illuminate myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come forth and illuminate the self is awakening.

        Let your actions dictate who you are.

        • aoirghe (edited 8 years ago)

          I see what you're saying, but your argument assumes that gender and race are things that we use to separate ourselves. That's not the case. If I mention on a parenting subreddit that I'm a mother, people are going to know that I'm a woman. If someone in a politics subreddit mentions that they were born and raised in El Salvador, people are going to know that they're Latino. These things are integral aspects of our life experiences, not some flag we're waving in order to be divisive. Again, when we attempt to hide diverse aspects of ourselves and our communities, we default to white, male and straight. That is not helpful or ideal. Rather than assuming that people who identify as female, a person of color, a Buddhist, etc are being divisive, we should examine why those are things that trigger people's anger in the first place. You say that "it's just better to leave some things secret" but why should it have to a be secret that I'm a woman?

          • [Deleted Profile]

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          • Kysol

            Originally you stated that Gender and Race were the only things that should be divulged, but Religion did not need to be. I'm curious to why Race would be needed if not to allow someone to racially vilify you? I consider everyone in this world equal, I don't need to know their Gender, Race, Religion or now as you have added Sexuality to have a conversation with them. If we have common interests we are instant-friends.

            These things IMHO are not needed to conduct conversations online. They are added talking points that may or may not bring unwanted discussions. I get what you are all saying about not having to hide, but not everyone overlooks these things. The less ammunition you can give a potential troll the less harm they can do. Heck if they don't even know you are there, even better.

            Anyhow, as I said, Welcome Snapite, hope we cross paths in some other Snap.