  • Qukatt (edited 8 years ago)

    MRA and SJW aren't reddit-made acronyms. I'm not entirely sure where they came from particularly but they're more tumblr associated i believe?

    MRA - Men's Rights Activist

    SJW - Social Justice Warrior

    And like the term "liberal" as an insult they have no real meaning or definition.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

      If memory serves the term SJW came from UCLA (school) due to things like the Rodney King Riots and MRA was a response to second and third wave feminism. Both came about in the early 90's I think but then again I could be wrong.

      Both terms were hijacked those who expose extreme views on the issues which is sad. MRA was originally people whom wanted to rewrite items such as alimony laws, and many moderate feminists supported them. Men's rights then became, like third wave feminism, the twisted pile of insanity it is now. Its sad that good things are often perverted by twats.