  • Qukatt

    MRAs will self identify and SJW is pejorative though you get people trying to "reclaim" it by self identifying.

    MRAs on reddit are mostly the extreme types who reeeaaallly believe women are taking over the world and stomping on men. there's a lot of cross over with those that truly believe in shitty pickup artist types (there was that one who was saying rape is ok cause women want it and it's ok to assault a woman if you want her, he got banned from several countries it's that bad) and you might see redditors refer to them as "TRPers" or Terpers. which stands for "the red pill".

    It's my everlasting hope that Snapzu disallows those types of tribes (and the women versions of them because screw that noise!) Because freedom of speech is one thing and hate speech is another.