Conversation 7 comments by 6 users
  • joker

    1: A fridge, that when I open it, has exactly what I'm wanting to eat/drink, fully prepared and at the right temperature

    2: A car, that when I get in and start, automatically takes me safely to the exact destination I wanted to go

    3: A wallet, that when I open it, has the exact amount of money I am needing/wanting at that time, but otherwise is empty aside from my identification.

    Great question, and welcome to the family!

    • spacepopper

      2: A car, that when I get in and start, automatically takes me safely to the exact destination I wanted to go

      Why not a plane? Afraid of flying? :D

      • joker

        Hm...Made me think. How about changing it to this:

        2: A cardboard box, that when I get in, automatically takes me safely to the exact destination I wanted to go

        It would freak people out more, so I call that a win.

    • Fooferhill

      I like it-taking care of the basics,