  • neg8ivezero

    I must apologize. I am an ex-Redditor and I made this mistake not 2 days ago. I saw a video posted of a cartoon with a lady who was stealing other people's dogs. I thought it was senseless and lacked any real meaning. I downvoted it. I didn't take the time to read through the rules of the site and I messed up. Luckily, this was the only casualty in my Snapzu-ing and I later changed my vote on that post after seeing a similar thread to this in /t/lounge about down votes.

    The point is, these posts act as reminders to us new folk and probably need to keep being posted and upvoted for the next couple of months. I know they helped me figure out this community and am confident that they will help others. So thank you for bringing it up and reminding us newbies. :)