  • spaceghoti

    Have done, may do it again.

    In 2000 I met a lovely lady from Australia, and after a year together we decided to move back to her country and get married. Unfortunately it didn't work out well for me as the tech bubble burst shortly before I arrived and I couldn't find steady employment. So I ended up moving back to the States and she decided to stay there.

    Lately I've been looking at the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island across the bay from both Seattle and Vancouver. I really don't like cold weather but the Pacific Northwest is much more temperate so the winters wouldn't be as cold as I'm used to here in Denver. Plus, Canada is a far more sane country than the US has been lately, and I wouldn't have to sell my oldest child just to afford basic medical care. So we're contemplating moving out of country again.

    • KingAztek

      Other than your unfortunate employment situation, how was your experience in Australia? Did you like living there in general?

      • spaceghoti

        If I could have found work to support myself and my family I never would have left. It was warm, never snowed, the people were friendly and attractive, it never snowed, the ocean was beautiful, it never snowed....


        I may be a tad obsessed on certain topics as well.