  • Crator

    I got my website working and will be actually getting it online soon. It's not exactly as I wanted but it's better then I thought it would turn out none the less.

    • baron778

      Cool what's the link?

      • Crator (edited 8 years ago)

        It's technically not 100% done yet but what the hey I'll throw it up anyway. It's There is only one blog post and one strip up cause that's all I got done so far. But let me know what you think anyway.

        • baron778

          Looking good man! Not much content yet but that's how it usually works when at the start.

          • Crator

            Thanks! I'm working on the 2nd strip as we speak and I got illustrations I'll be posting up over time.

        • Moderator

          So great to finally see. It's been nice to watch the process of you wanting to create it to it being online! You've done a great job with it so far.

          • Crator

            Thanks. You don't know how much your little push helped me move forward. Hopefully this is just the beginning.