
For anybody who wants to know the numbers of this past week...

We have 662 new members as detailed in the Snapzu Digest weekly email. To give you a number to reference, last week was 57 members.

8 years ago by picklefingers with 29 comments

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  • Cheesemangeur

    That's impressive! I wonder why... ;)

    • 66bnats

      Let's keep at it. I've seen more and more people mentioning snapzu and its awesome, people upvoting it too!

    • Gozzin

      I don't have a clue...scratches head :)

  • ttubravesrock

    That's a little bit of good and a little bit of bad news IMO. I like the size of Snapzu as it is right now. It could be a little bigger or a little smaller, but at this size it's not overwhelming. I can easily spend an hour a day on here and cover most of my bases. If it gets too big I might have to focus on tribes only, which is one of the great things about snapzu. However, I like being able to peruse almost everything.

    • drunkenninja

      The problem with this place staying the same and not experiencing the much needed growth is that it will collapse under it's own weight if there isn't a community of members that are willing to support it's hosting, development and general business related needs that can only be viable if the costs are divided amongst the many. The site has been up for years with no advertising, donation buttons, outside investment or any other method to recoup the obviously significant costs of not only the year round development and management but also the costs associated with hosting a service of this size. While it's natural to want to keep something the same for risks of screwing it up, it's important that a platform like this sees the light of day and is given a chance to grow, otherwise I doubt it will be around much longer without the support needed for such a platform to thrive.

      • ttubravesrock

        That's a good way of looking at it that I hadn't thought of much before. As you can tell in my comment, I'm not opposed to growth, I just don't like the idea of explosive growth on any website. Perhaps snapzu could take the SomethingAwful approach to funding. I'm just thinking out loud here.

        • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

          Thanks for agreeing! As for explosive growth, it's good to remember that there are powerful tools in place that mitigate explosive growth into a controllable endeavour that will benefit everyone. The invite system is designed to regulate the speed at which this platform can introduce new members, and those new members each with their unique interests will be subscribing to tribes which in turn become larger and ever more unique and niched. I'm not familiar with the somethingawful strategy, would you please explain?

          • ttubravesrock

            SomethingAwful.com started getting bigger around 2004ish and they asked every existing member to donate $10 and required every new member to pay $10 to become a member. This was a one time cost that kept the site free of advertisements.

            • picklefingers

              I'd consider paying a no advertising fee here. Maybe like an optional yearly subscription though. I just love how this site looks without advertisements. So sleek. However, I still want them to be able to turn a profit.

              In fact, I'm not really sure what their current monetization plan is for this site. Are they only going to use their planned credit system?

  • TNY

    Over a 1000% increase, pretty sweet.

  • Kysol

    And how many servers were added ?

    • picklefingers

      That wasn't in the email haha

      • Kysol

        Someone posted on HN that more servers were added. Was curious to how many nodes SZ is running.

        • drunkenninja

          Interesting, do you have a source link for this HN thread? Curious to read about it.

          • Kysol

            I can try and find it... was sort of a random comment in regards to the events of Reddit that day. Someone said something about scrambling to get more machines setup and plugged the site. That's how I came over, not through any active Reddit recruitment. Came of my own free will.

  • ObiWanShinobi

    That's pretty cool! I'm glad to be a part of it.

  • caelreth

    Wow. That's a pretty nice jump. Would be pretty awesome to see this place take off.

    • picklefingers

      Well, with another 4 or 5 waves of new members like that, it really will.

      • Splitfish

        Yeah, this place has had probably 3-4 waves already (1000+ members), but each time more people stick around adding more value, adding more reason to stick around, and the cycle continues. The most important thing is that people stay active and give reason for the new users to come back and also contribute.

        • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

          Yep, it's also important spread the word and get your friends to join you. The most effective tool in improving a community is by growing its member base with good people.

        • Moderator

          Yes, exactly. Well said.

  • Winter

    I'm glad to be apart of Snapzu, and I hope to see it grow in the future.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

  • rawlings

    If we can keep that kind of pace for a few months, snapzu will be on the radar in no time.

  • Moderator

    I saw the email, but I didn't know it was that big of an increase! Much more impressive.

  • grandtheftsoul

    Looks like the trend will continue based on the new followers that teamsnapzu is still constantly getting. Maybe not 600+ but I can see 300 and that's still a huge win.