  • picklefingers

    Cool. Checking it out now. You should post the github link here as well. I'm sure all of us coders would like to help work on this.

    • Wenjarich (edited 9 years ago)

      I will charge forth, with my 3 days of learning python under my belt, no knowledge of what a github is, and a heart full of good intentions, and I will add functions. Functions of such grandeur, functions that will be spoken of for years to come, functions that print such supportive messages to all the real coders, thus bolstering spirits and so resulting in a better product. And if it so happens that my functions do not work, I will not be disheartened! For I will then resolve to comment! Never will you have seen commenting of such sinceriry. I will hashtag and triple quotation mark like never before. (also ignoring the fact that python probably has nothing to do with this!)

      HAZAAH! let us coders unite, come together to make an enhancement suit for all! FOR WE ARE SNAPPERS!

    • slandy

      Updated the post in /t/enhancement with the github link!