
Where should we/ how should we promote our tribes?

I have a few to mention, but I'd like it to come in organically via snaps or threads. How do I go about that?

11 years ago by projecttiles with 6 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    There is actually a few ways that I promote my tribes... here are 3 that I can think off the top of my head:

    1. I create snaps on the subject and then add my tribe along with other tribes that would fit into the subject matter. Cross tribe promotion works quite well, and the people that visit your snap from other (more popular) tribes will see and possibly click into yours. New users can submit a snap into as many as 3 tribes at once, and it goes up to 5 tribes at level 24.

    2. Post well tagged and titled snaps into your new tribe... I found that If I am generally active in my own tribe, it slowly becomes more visible in the snapzu recommendation area during snap creation (the place everyone uses to find tribes for their snap). The more content a tribe has, the higher it is listed there, so more people submit their snaps into your tribe.

    3. The last and most obvious is by sharing the link to my tribe around in places that I frequent that focus on that topic. This isn't the most effective way as people need to actually signup for the site to reply and post into it. So even though its a good way to get traffic, it won't guarantee an actual activity increase.

    If anyone else has any other good ways of promoting their tribes, please post. I'm curious to know if there is any other hacks.

  • idlethreat

    Think making up a new /t/newtribes would be a good idea? Do that, invite others to post their new tribes into your new tribe. One stop tribal shopping.

    • drunkenninja

      This is genius!

      • Slyken

        @drunkenninja, why don't you go ahead and create it? You're one of the most active users around here, and because right now tribes can only have one moderator I think you would be the perfect one for this kind of tribe.

        • drunkenninja (edited 11 years ago)

          Don't mind if I do!

          [Edit] OK done! /t/newtribes - Ill spend some time making it look better in the next few.. but for now, feel free to post in there!