  • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

    I was around 10, living in on the 8th floor of a 9 story building. Generally in an elevator there are two doors - there is the door of the cabin that goes up and down, and the metal door on every floor that is generally locked until the elevator comes, and then it opens automatically.

    The elevator had malfunctioned that day, and it was supposedly stuck between the 6th and 7th floor. The mechanic had opened the door on the 7th floor with his special key to check this. The elevator was much lower. But the mechanic had forgotten to lock the door back.

    Queue me, young and exuberant, trying to call the elevator on the 8th floor, not working. I pull on the door, thinking that maybe it's on this floor, but the door won't budge. I go down a floor running, and pull the door with the same energy. Almost instinctively, since the door opened, I was ready to climb in. Half a step before I dropped all my weight into nothingness, I saw the terrifying darkness and stopped.

    I've never been as scared in my life.