
Recreating SuicideWatch

I know i posted in reddits version of Suicide Watch when I was having a particualrly hard day and it even helped me through one of my worst times and after I was always in that sub helping and talking to others who were depressed or dealing with suicide. So I have remade it here to help out!

I will be looking for maybe two mods to help be heads for this to make sure there is no judging within the posts. Thank you all <3

9 years ago by Zomb with 11 comments

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  • cmagnificent

    Awesome. I stopped by there a few times myself and I think it provides an incredible service to struggling people.

    • Zomb

      Thanks, It wasn't the most active in replies all the time but I know the group there was just trying to be helpful. I hope to recreate that!

      • PassingThrough

        Could I possibly help mod? Helping out in /r/suicidewatch and helping out on 7CupsOfTea is one of my favorites things to do in my free time and would love to help :)

  • bogdan

    I joined. I feel like it's a place where you can make a small effort to produce a big difference, so I'm definitely willing to help.

    • Axiomatic (edited 9 years ago)

      Indeed. It is when the room is at its darkest that a few kind words on a computer screen can shine their brightest.

  • vulpixwithdix

    Oh wow. This is a wonderful idea. I have never posted in that subreddit, but I've taken several trips there when I felt low enough. It's nice to know that someone is cheering you on, even if it's a stranger on the internet. Nicely done!

  • ninjamonkey369

    Great idea! The world needs more people like you who are willing to help those in need, even if it's just giving them some support on the internet.

  • creativezen

    I remember posting on /r/suicidewatch a few years ago after a particularly bad day, and I remember how just having someone to talk to really helped. Good luck with it!

  • TonyP

    That's really nice. Good going Zomb!

  • Xeno

    I'm joining, this is a great idea.