  • AvocadoAtLaw

    I actually browse through the "new" section. Doing so on reddit would be hell.

    • TNY

      Are you talking about the front page?

      • AvocadoAtLaw

        Haha, no. Not the front page of reddit but the new section itself. Where the most recent of recents can be found.

        • TNY (edited 8 years ago)

          Ah so the feed. I was asking if you meant Snapzu's front page, because that only shows posts that have a score of +3 or better which is low enough to include a lot of things, but hard enough for spam or crappy content to never get in.

          • AvocadoAtLaw

            Ah . Well I go to the front page yes, but you can also sort by newest. I assume those do not have to have 3 upvotes to show up?

            • TNY

              Good question, not really sure though.

            • bogdan

              Apparently a post needs to have 3 upvotes to show up, yes