  • Moderator (edited 8 years ago)

    Hey! We'll read the books until the 25th of July, and then discuss until the end of the month. I'm considering taking on both books, myself.

    I've been wracking my brain, but I can't think of any tribes that I haven't already found here. Perhaps a film discussion tribe, so that people might chat about the newest films, and perhaps have a weekly viewing, somewhat like the Book Club.

    Yes, I've been thinking that exact thing! Maybe we should start something?

    • ObiWanShinobi

      That would be cool! Would you like to start it, or shall I? Either way, the other could be a moderator.

      • Moderator

        Oh, I've just created /t/filmclub! If you join I can make you a moderator. We can start planning :)