Text Post: Howdy! posted by coldcupofjoe
  • Boop (edited 8 years ago)

    Hi /u/coldcupofjoe! Welcome to Snapzu. I hope you find some enjoyable tribes.

    My top recommendation when starting out is to get acquainted with the FAQs. More specifically, voting rules and etiquette. Another useful tidbit that I wish I had learned in the beginning - when submitting your content, their are two main post types: Text Posts and Snaps.

    Snaps are the main type of post. You can create one by selecting the green "Submit" button in the top right and pasting in a link or clicking on "Upload image / Compose". From here you can select what tribes you'd like to post to. Yes, you can post to multiple tribes to increase the chances of someone viewing your snap, but also to post to tribes that will find your content interesting. You can also add things like a cover image, description and an array of multimedia. These options are available to make your snap the best it can be.

    Text posts are another option. Text posts are created by visiting a specific tribe page, and clicking on "Start a discussion" in the sidebar. This option is limited to a title and text. The purpose of text posts is that you are posting a discussion/question/text-based content to a specific tribe. In essence, that tribe has ownership of your text post, whereas a snap is owned by you (the tribes just "host" the content, per se).

    This might sound confusing, but I encourage you to post different content types - I know you'll figure it out!

    Another wonderful tidbit: pinups and snapzines. Basically, you can "pin" (save) a snap to your snapzine (list of pins) for later use. Personally, I like to pin recipes and articles that I want to read later.

    Lastly, explore! Use the search function, read and engage in discussion. Some fun tribes that I like to recommend to new users: /t/asksnapzu, /t/doesanybodyelse, /t/casualconversation and /t/howtolife. But there's so much more than that. If you have any specific interests, just let us know and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out.