  • Cheesemangeur

    The fact that this snap already has 3 downvotes is just annoying. What would be the reason for downvoting this snap, apart from being reactionary?

    I've received 10 downvotes on my comments from Saturday. I don't know which ones, I don't know why, but what I know is that none of my comments broke any of the Snapzu rules and warranted those downvotes. It's pretty disappointing that a small % of the new "Reddit Refugees" is not adapting and making it harder for the rest of the community who is happy to adapt here. I'm also a Redditor, not part of this new wave however, so it was easier to adapt as there were less of us trickling in.

    I'm hoping in a week's time things will have become better, if not I know I can count on the mod team to tweak a few things like they mentioned so that there will be little downvote abuse.

    • kigurame

      Honestly i expected more of them simply because of the people that don't want to hear it. I'd say the fact that it's only 3 is promising

      • Cheesemangeur

        3 in only 4 hours though. Hopefully that number doesn't grow, if it does it just proves the point of the snap.

        • kigurame

          Very true. I doubt the downvoters actually read the snap. I suspect it's more of a reflex redditism "don't tell me what to-do i'm going to downvote because i can"

          • AdelleChattre

            There’s no surer way to rack up downvotes at Reddit than to ever complain about downvotes.