Text Post: Question about user interface posted by FiveGHz
Conversation 9 comments by 6 users
  • MadMonk

    As far as I am aware, Snapzu does not have anything similar to RES

    • FiveGHz

      It doesn't necessarily have to be a browser plugin like RES, but just have the same functionality built into the site. I didn't know if it already existed and I just haven't figured it out yet.

      • AinBaya (edited 8 years ago)

        Direct image links open directly inline and videos, pictures and gifs open at the top of their post. I did like keyboard navigation though

        Like this one: http://i.imgur.com/gVovuHe.png

        • jarekb84

          Is there a way to collapse the image after the link is clicked?

          • AinBaya

            don't think so. also love the dp

        • bogdan

          Why does that picture make me think of The Walking Dead...

          • Mecael

            Stay in the asset containment, Caaaarrrrrlllll!

        • FiveGHz

          Neat, thanks!

      • MadMonk

        I don't think it does, but you can always post the idea in /t/ideasforsnapzu