  • ressmox

    Yea, this was my issue. A complete clone of an existing site doesn't offer anything new, it will just result in the same problems as the previous one.

    • Stoic (edited 8 years ago)

      It probably depends more on the owners of the site than the UI. If like Reddit Voat is being handed to people who didn't come from within the community and who try monetize the site as much as possible, then yes it will go down the same path.

      That and the fact that Reddit became too large, which I made a post about here:, are two factors that to me are more important than it being a clone.

      I might be putting the following words in your mouth, but you seem to assume Snapzu will be relatively safe from becoming like Digg/ Reddit.

      • ressmox (edited 8 years ago)

        I'm definitely not assuming that. Every venture will eventually face its own set of issues. My point was more related to mentality and other community issues I felt reddit had. There's no point for me to frequent a site like voat since I will more or less find those same issues at this point. Snapzu will face its own issues in the future, but for right now its something new and different, and a breath of fresh air.

        Edit: I think a clearer way of saying it is that I am more likely to find people here who feel the same way, that Snapzu is a community where they can find something other than what reddit had, where as those who go to voat are likely looking for a very similar experience to reddit. And in the past week or so that I've been here, this seems to be true.