Conversation 22 comments by 16 users
  • jarekb84

    I checked Voat out a few weeks ago, but it didn't offer anything new, complete clone of Reddit (with a worse UI/UX). So far, I'm digging the features of Snapzu and have been more engaged (gamer at heart, so xp/level/rep system is addicting).

    My favorite feature so far is the ability to post a snap to multiple tribes. This has helped me find new tribes to join and hopefully will help my small tribe to grow as others see snaps that reference it.

    • ressmox

      Yea, this was my issue. A complete clone of an existing site doesn't offer anything new, it will just result in the same problems as the previous one.

      • Stoic (edited 9 years ago)

        It probably depends more on the owners of the site than the UI. If like Reddit Voat is being handed to people who didn't come from within the community and who try monetize the site as much as possible, then yes it will go down the same path.

        That and the fact that Reddit became too large, which I made a post about here:, are two factors that to me are more important than it being a clone.

        I might be putting the following words in your mouth, but you seem to assume Snapzu will be relatively safe from becoming like Digg/ Reddit.

        • ressmox (edited 9 years ago)

          I'm definitely not assuming that. Every venture will eventually face its own set of issues. My point was more related to mentality and other community issues I felt reddit had. There's no point for me to frequent a site like voat since I will more or less find those same issues at this point. Snapzu will face its own issues in the future, but for right now its something new and different, and a breath of fresh air.

          Edit: I think a clearer way of saying it is that I am more likely to find people here who feel the same way, that Snapzu is a community where they can find something other than what reddit had, where as those who go to voat are likely looking for a very similar experience to reddit. And in the past week or so that I've been here, this seems to be true.

    • SillyDilly

      I have no problem with Voat's UI, but I can see your point. And the posting to multiple tribes is a huge advantage too. Hopefully There's a growth spurt here like there was at Voat so that there's a bigger community to stay around. Thanks for saying hi!

      • jarekb84

        Growth spurt would be great if the site remains up and responsive. There was some downtime this morning and lots of slowness last night. I know they're working on improvements based on the blog posts, but scaling will be interesting for this site.

        • SillyDilly

          The invite system has helped a lot, though. Without it, Snapzu would've been hugged to death faster, and for longer than Voat.

        • Ladysfi

          Between last night and today the speed has increased substantially.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • hereorthere

      I've been using Voat & Snapzu for about a year now. Voat actually is not a complete clone of Reddit, they have and continue to make improvements yet kept some of the features that reddit chose to discard. Snapzu on the other hand takes an interestingly different approach than either reddit or voat that I also like.

      • PrismDragon

        Yeah, there are some differences. I'll checking among Voat, this site, and a certain other place.

    • QuietKerfuffle

      Another great part about snapping to multiple tribes is that when someone inevitably post in the wrong section or break their rules, the entire existing thread isn't vaporized by a mod like it is on Reddit.

    • IHeartGaming

      Adding a reply to this: I'm probably going to be both on here and reddit in the short term, and once Voat comes up, I'll check them out (but I like it here). The community here seems great and the real crosspost ability is a great feature that I'm planning on utilizing at some point.

    • vulpixwithdix

      Voat seemed to collect a lot of the FPH redditors that wanted to be hateful. I am hoping those particular people will stay away from here. This place is much more inviting and comfy. And damn, if the UI isn't gorgeous.

    • CuppaMatt

      Similar reasons here. I like that this doesn't just try and "Copy" Reddit, it's an actual thought out website of it's own.

    • g33k5t4

      I'm liking that it also shows which tribes a snap has been cross-posted to. I've been able to add several new tribes since I can read an article, look at the cross-post list, and say, "hey, since I like x, maybe I should also check out y, since it's related." Very nice feature set on here for it to still be such a comparably small community. I'm thinking that I'll be sticking around here, unlike all the other "alternatives" that I've tried, like Voat, Stack$ity, etc.

    • kvn

      Yeah I found that posting to multiple subs was pretty innovative. I don't really like the use of "snaps". It just sounds off to me, and I feel like they should just replace it with "thread". I also feel like the website should be called Tribezu and not Snapzu, but all of these are just opinions.