
A noob saying hello

Hello from South Africa,

My name is Nolwandle and this is my first time joining an online community.

It's odd that posting my first message on a discussion post makes me kind of nervous, like I'm introducing myself to a group of people at a party. But I guess the pressure isn't that intense.

I have been accused of being an eternal optimist (which I don't find insulting at all) and I'm really looking forward to building a relationship with all of you.

8 years ago by LwandleZ with 6 comments

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  • Appaloosa

    You chose a really good first choice! Great people here. Welcome!

  • RoamingGnome

    Welcome. There is nothing to be worried about, we don't bite...we just nibble a little bit. What city in South Africa?

  • SandrasReality

    Hi Nolwandle! Glad that you got over your fear of the unknown. Let us know a little more about you! What are your interests? What do you hope to gain from this community? Hope you have a wonderful time exploring the possibilities of this site. I am still in the exploratory phase myself.


    Looking forward to seeing news and concerns from your part of the world.