  • picklefingers (edited 10 years ago)

    First, I'd like to ask how you found us. Obviously reddit, but what reddit thread?

    1)I have no clue really. Active? I guess I'd say theres around a group of 10 really active people generating a lot of content, and it looks like about 100 people who are moderately active. Small but growing.

    2) Virtual Reality because I made it.

    3) I'd say snapzu is content based. More than reddit imo, Reddit is more discussion, which this website does have a decent amount of for its small size. However, here, I feel like the content is more important than the discussion. You can kind of see this by our "front page' where it is a grid that highlights the content instead of the post.

    4) The future? Thats a very hard question to answer in a start-up community. Of course we all have hopes of growing. Personally, I'm not sure if snapzu will ever overtake reddit, but I do see it possibly becoming a heavy-hitter in the industry in the same way vimeo is to youtube.

    5) Definitely the networking aspect of it. With the following/followers system, as well as being able to "x-post" to multiple tribes, everything has a much more interesting way to network throughout the site. It feels like less of anonymous people posting on random threads and more of a community posting in a community.

    6) While I love the level system and the gained abilities, I find some of the things they hold back kind of stupid such as amount of people you can follow. I seriously don't see the point in holding back the number.

    7) I don't think we've quite developed a hivemind yet. It will eventually form just like it does on all sites. However, opinions here are pretty free right now.

    8) I personally haven't been around long enough to answer this. More people I guess?

    9)Off the top of my head I can think of drunkenninja, gladsdotter, and splitfish. All above level 40. Basically, if they have a high level, the probably are pretty well known.

    10) I love it. More than reddit. The only downside right now is the sma...

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    • IridescentOak

      Thank you for answering! Replying to a few things you said:

      - Finding a thread in reddit is like finding a needle in a haystack. All I can say, is that it was in one of the drama threads. However, Snapzu has been mentioned in /r/redditalternatives. Most people on reddit who have heard of Snapzu are pretty much in consensus that this is where they'll end up after reddit falls.

      - I'm in complete agreement with you on numbers 5 and 6(sooo much.)

      - As for number 9-- you belong on that list, too!

      I'm really liking Snapzu so far, so I think I'm going to stick around. : )

      • picklefingers

        Ya, drama threads tend to be littered with people throwing around alternatives.

        I'd like to think I'm one of those top posters but I'm not haha. Maybe one day :p

        And glad you're sticking around. Enjoy your stay!