Text Post: New user from reddit here posted by ProtoJazz
  • ProtoJazz

    Yeah, I didn't post much. I had 1 front page post on a default sub, and man I stopped reading the comments after a while. I feel like there's not as much discussion as there used to be, and so many topics are either black or white. For example one time someone was saying that you never have to work overtime, and you should always stand up for your rights as an employee. But no one seemed to acknowledge that yeah, sometimes if you refuse something your boss wants, they might not be as forgiving on some other matter. I tried to mention it but it wasn't very popular. Sticking it to the man, knowing your rights, and asking if your being detained is Aparently the trend.

    I pretty much only read these types of sites on my phone. So an app would be great. Or maybe I could just get new glasses