  • spaceghoti

    Honestly, I found this place because I went looking for an alternative. I've been thinking about it for a couple of years thanks to repeated fiascoes with reddit moderation and subreddit mods who are doing the job primarily for the prestige or an ideological axe to grind rather than to serve the community trying to participate there.

    But I'm not bitter.

    It's true that tinpot tyrants are going to be a problem in any system with moderation, but one day I hope to find a site where volunteer moderators can be held accountable to the user base and not be allowed to grab power with impunity.

    As for enticing new users? I found this place through /r/redditalternatives although it would probably be more effective to buy an ad. I haven't yet given up on reddit, but I have enjoyed what I've seen of this place so far.