Tip: Use tags in order to make your submissions easier to be found
I was curious about the "tags" part of adding a snap, so I did a few experiments along my submissions.
At first glance you may think "Jesus, that tags thing is completely useless!"... well no.
Not only does it add extra xp for each tag you add, therefore rewarding you, but it also makes it easier for others to search your snap. If you add the word "Universe" in an article about space, whoever searches "Universe" in the search box of the site, regardless of whether you have the word in your article or title, it will show up to whoever is searching.
So you should always take some time before submitting a snap to think of what you would search for in order to want to get to it.
The easier it is to find, the greater your influence will be!
9 years ago by bogdan
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Now that you mention it I've started using it. I don't know how useful I'll find it but I'll add it for those who do.
One thing I've learned is that you don't need to add each tag individually. You can separate them with commas before you hit "add" and they'll all show up as individual tags at once. That saved me a lot of time, even with the speedier interface.
Thanks for that tip, Bogdan! I haven't been using tags up til now, but I will sure start!