
"In *my* day 'snapper' meant..."

...just reminded me of the old George Carlin bit. :)

So I'm new to Snapzu. I'm a web developer, aspiring podcaster, wannabe writer, lousy guitarist, and way below average PVP video game player.

I actually did not come from Reddit. I mean, I've been on Reddit before, but I tried to avoid getting sucked into the vortex for productivity sake and just because of a lot of negative people I saw on there. But I've been hearing great things about Snapzu (even though I have to type it three times before I spell it right) and decided to jump on the offer of an invite from a friend.

Looking forward to it!

8 years ago by onyxedge with 7 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    Welcome! Pull up a chair, beanbag or whatever you prefer to lounge on and join the fun. There's lots of good discussion and interesting content, once you get through the learning curve. The site FAQs should help you through that part quickly enough.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • eilyra

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

    way below average PVP video game player.

    This statement made me curious as to your preferences when it comes to PvP games, would you be willing to share? In either case, there are tribes for /t/dota2 & /t/starcraft, which one might classify as my personal favourites (though Starcraft more for following the e-sport side of things).

    • onyxedge

      I was a big Starcraft 1 player, but it was another one that I wasn't very good at against real people lol. I've haven't played SC2 or DOTA2. I've dabbled some with Heroes of the Storm recently.

      • eilyra

        Yeah, I'm no good at SC2 (or SC1 for that matter) either. Do quite enjoy the campaigns though! The Heart of the Swarm campaign was excellent, hoping the Legacy of the Void one will match it (though you're not playing Zerg, so boo).

        How's Heroes of the Storm been? I've looked into it and played maybe 2-3 matches, but the business model, or more accurately how expensive it is, is rather off-putting.

  • ttubravesrock

    in my day, snapper was a turtle or a fish. welcome to snapzu!