  • imnotgoats

    Good luck, hope you stay! I love this site so much ATM that I'm gushy about it.

    I'm not going to suggest any existing tribes (of which there are tons of great ones), rather suggest you think of something you're passionate about and create it as a new one! This is an exciting time of growth for snapzu, and I can't think of a better way to engage with it.

    • double2

      Clean up on aisle 3. We have a gusher.

      Oh, and @imnotgoats - somewhat relevant to your above comment and contradicting my previous discourse with you, I now have set up a tribe, over at /t/humour (some cretin had spelt the existing one without the penultimate character for some unknown reason). Come visit! I'll put the kettle on.

      • imnotgoats

        Hah. Is it a surreptitious way to insinuate that it's for UK humour, or just stubbornness?

        • double2

          The first one. It's not so subtle when you visit it ;)

          • imnotgoats

            In that case, well played old bean.

            Let me know if you need a custom flag. ;)