  • Moderator

    I love your enthusiasm! Are you sure you're not on drugs?

    I spent quite some time living in Washington. High five! Wait, depends on which Washington you mean.

    My best friend was Russian! Yeah! Now we don't talk.

    Give your plants a drip feed!

    Parks and Rec! I'm more of a Ron Swanson.

    • eggpl4nt

      Nope, not on drugs! Except for medically prescribed ear drops! *checks side-effects*
      Greater Seattle Area, Washington state!
      Sad you don't talk to your best friend now. :( I had the same thing happen with my friends too - fell out after high school graduation.
      Drip feed - oh that's a good idea! Like a water bottle or something.
      I like Ron Swanson too! He's so great. I like the bond with April and Ron, it's nice to see. I think I like all the characters. I feel bad for Jerry a lot. :( I actually disdained Chris Pratt before watching Parks & Rec, I had only seen him in Guardians of the Galaxy before, but now I like him much more. Such a good show!